Saturday 30 April 2011

This post has absolutely nothing to do with sewing

Tanit-Isis and I were talking about the upcoming election on her blog the other day, and I just had to share this little tidbit of Canadian content for any foreign readers of my blog.  Hell, for any Canadian readers who haven't yet seen this site (if such a citizen exists!):

We really need to get out and vote guys.  Even if you do vote Conservative, I won't hold it against you (as long as you don't admit it to me).  If there is anyone in your household that is over 18 and they haven't yet voted, kick their butt out to the polling station.  If they need some incentive, promise to sew them something nice.

Hey, I guess this post does have something to do with sewing after all.


  1. Well said. I am going to link back to you for this one.
    The only way to get rid of the robot currently in power is to VOTE.

  2. Wowza. I am not and never have been a Harper fan, but that's a scary reminder. I will be doing my bit over here, not that it'll amount to much in this riding. It was nice to go To my hometown over Easter and see all the NDP signs...


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