Tuesday 15 January 2013

Hollyburn Giveaway Winner: Gillian!

Hey Gillian / Jirian!  You won! Send me your mailing address (email above in the About Me box).

I was going to do a cute draw using all your names on scaps of paper in the hat I recently made for my daughter, and let her do the drawing....but we're sick, I'm at work, my sister is coming to stay because her place is being bug-bombed (Montreal sucks for bedbugs), and I'm sure I won't do anything when I get home tonight but eat and put the offspring to bed.  Maybe not even that.  So, here you get a screenshot from Random.org, not even properly cropped. 

Don't have kids. 
They are better crud incubators than my industrial grade fermentor here in the lab. 


  1. Hahaha - Don't have kids. Got it. Unfortunalty I work with other people's grubby little 6 year olds!

    Also: YAAAAAAYYYYY! It's ME! I'm a winner? Thank you so much! I"ll send you an email!

    Cheers, and hope you all get well soon!

  2. you are right about the germ thing but wait until they are teenagers ;) that's when the real fun begins!! X

  3. My daughter's been home sick the past week, and this afternoon I watched her stick her hands into her mouth at least a fifty time during her guitar lesson, which is to say, I am in total agreement with you. Feel better soon.
