Wednesday 23 January 2013

What I wore today

In the spirit of outfit posts à la Casey, Nettie, and MimiG
I present,
for your viewing pleasure,
What I Wore Today:

First layer:  underwear
Second layer:  synthetic tank top, woolly tights
Third layer:  New Girl dress
Fourth layer:  polar fleece pants, polar fleece jacket
Outer wear:  woolly scarf, fleece hat, furry mittens, furry boots, down coat with hood.
Accessories:  black belt, basket woven earrings from Rwanda, frosty eyelashes.  

Yes, it was so cold this morning that my eyelashes froze together during my 10 minute walk to work.  It was -29C (what's that, like -237428.34F???  I don't know the imperial system.), and -39C with the wind chill. But don't worry:  it's going up to -21C by this afternoon!....and then down to -42C tonight...

I thought I would wait outside the back entrance at work until someone came along to take a full-body of photo of me looking like a tick about to explode, but standing still for more than 10 seconds was too much for me.  I grabbed this quick iPhone selfie. 

BTW, I know that this isn't really cold for some of you (I'm looking at you, Heather), and I've been much colder before (-52C at the top of the Rocky Mountains in January), but the heat also went kaput at work this morning, so it's a double whammy.  

Send thermals.  Quickly. 


  1. oh my goodness!! That's too cold - stay warm! I hope the heat begins to work quickly

    1. One of the facilities guys came to my rescue with a portable heater, so experiments are back on!

  2. GOOD GRIEF!! And I thought I was freezing!! Seriously, the cold ass weather is the main reason I've stopped trying to convince my husband to move to Canada, lol!

    1. We're only a few hours north, but there must be some kind of Holy Shit line that runs along the border. On the other hand, we get up to 40C (100F?) in the summers like you guys do.

  3. I hear you!! It's the same here in Saskatoon! I had to wear tights under my pants, which I HATE.

    1. I hate that too, so I usually do the dress / woolly tights / thermal pants thing, and then take off the pants at work. It's actually warmer!

    2. OMG thankyou, I need new ideas to stay warm! Cause I also hate tights under pants!!

  4. I didn't know humans could survive at that temperature. I have this mental image of you snapping off your eyelashes so you can see :) In Sydney we are sweltering at the moment with temps over 40C and anxiously watching the horizon for signs of bushfires so we can gather the kids and animals and get out safely. As far as clothes, I try to make dresses that don't touch me anywhere, in linen or cotton. Very flattering look. I always have a chuckle when you guys talk about lining clothes. Ha. Not even in the depths of winter would I wear lined clothing. On a really cold day it might get down to 15C but nothing that a cardigan can't fix.

    1. It's funny, but lots of us up north think exactly the same thing about people in the tropics: how can someone live like that? For us, the colder it gets, the more clothes you put on and the higher you set the heat in your house. If the power goes out, you light the woodstove/fireplace and stay warm. OTOH, if it gets too hot, what the heck do you do? You can't take off any more clothes or cool your house if the power goes out! Whatever you're used to seems normal to you! :)

  5. o_O Now I'm trying to convince myself that -7°C isn't cold at all...

  6. Oh my goodness, I could not handle those temps. It is around 19 degree F here today and I have been complaining that it's freezing, lol. :]

  7. Wow! I am going to read this post to my husband! We walked the dogs in the snow here in England today, temperature -1or-2c max & he moaned mightily ;)

    1. It *is* relative though, because the coldest I've ever been inside a house was back in the '90s in London. There was a cold snap while I stayed with a friend in her very old, unheated brick house in Brixton. The bathroom was a relatively modern addition to the back of the house and had thin interior-type walls. They were covered in frost every morning, and it took a lot of willpower on my part to get a shower in there!

  8. Holy wowzers! I we were complaining about Chicago being at 0!

  9. I'm cold here in Atlanta with 48F (about 8C), what a wuss I am...

  10. -29C is -26F, which is VERY cold! Our coldest was -13C here in Rhode Island. Not quite as cold as when I lived in Quebec, where I pretty much dressed like you're dressed now!

    1. Yeah, Quebec city gets even colder than us, with more snow too. Even I am amazed when the snow piles up higher than cars (and some bungalows!) in QC.

  11. Holy moly! That's cold!! Despite being so far north, we never get that cold here!

  12. I HEAR YOU!! My pink puffy coat is getting quite the workout. You know it's bad when the tears of desperation are frozen in the wind. I hope your heat is back on at work! I will drink a cup of tea in your honor.

  13. Haha I love cold temps! Weirdly though, it's been warmer here in Yukon than in most of the rest of the country. I'm jealous, actually. :( We were above 0 the other day. D:

    You look very cute, with your warm hood, cozy scarf, and pretty frosted eyelashes! The whole look makes your eyes pop! :D

  14. Oh my goodness, I wouldn't survive. I won't tell you how warm it's been here the last two days. We don't get a lot of cold weather in South Carolina, USA.
