Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Selfish Sewing: Catching up on two months of me-stuff

Let's see.....I last posted about some summer dresses I made, and now it's windy, wet and 6C outside.  I think it's been too long.  You can always look over at The Sew Weekly to see what's going on with all of us, but I don't post every week OBVIOUSLY.  I don't know how those other women find the time to make something every week.....I guess some of them work part time, or work at home, or have grown families and more time to themselves.  Or perhaps they are just better at planning their time.   I, for one, got home from work last night at 6:30, fell asleep with Tashi at 8:30 and didn't wake up until 6:30, so you can guess how much sewing I got done. 

Back in August I made a muslin of Simplicity 9253 (from 1971), using the world's itchiest linen curtain.  I ended up ripping out the zipper and giving the fabric to my mother to make patio cushions.

******Stop press******

I just tried to upload a photo collage and I got a notice saying that I've reached my 1GB storage limit.  I've gotten this notice before, but it's always disappeared after a day or so.  What's up?  Is this legit?  Do I really have to pay for blogger?  I used to have another blog for the grandparents to see the offspring, and that was WAAAAAY more photo heavy that this blog, and I never got a notice like that.



  1. Don't they know who you are????!!!! Hmmm. I've never gotten that message, and I've had some pic heavy posts. I have one for my daughter that is all pics, and I've never had a problem. Blogger can be temperamental- maybe try again in a little bit? I have often wondered how those women get so much sewing done.

  2. Sign up for Picasa and use that for your photo storage (thats what I do). Or use one of those online photo sharing sites and post from the url?

    1. My Picasa Web Storage limit of 1GB has been reached. (all blogger photos go there). I can't post from my Flckr URLs....maybe I'm doing something wrong, but blogger won't allow either. Hmmmph again.

  3. you might have to go into your picasa storage and start deleting photos... the thing is, it keeps every photo you ever upload, whether you use it on your blog or not. and that goes towards your storage.

    hopefully this hasn't changed, but blogger gives you free photos AFTER you reach your limit as long as they're no larger than 800 x 800. supposedly they downsize uploaded photos once this happens, but...

    you could also try creating a google + account. i hated having yet another thing-to-be-connected-to, but that helped.

    1. That did the trick! Thank you Oh Goddess of the Internets!

      I'll go back and delete some old junk too. Anything to avoid having to pay a whopping $2.50 per month.

      Yes, I'm that cheap.

  4. I pay $5 a year for 20gb of storage and its worth it.

    1. The only options I'm given are $2.49/month for 20GB, or larger amounts for more storage. Yearly plans aren't available any longer - I believe they changed it in April of this year.

  5. Hi,

    I came to your blog while searching for fabric stores in Cape Town. I'm visiting CT on a holiday in Nov, and hope to convince my bf to drive us to a store and wait for me while I pick up a few pieces of fabric. Would you mind sharing any recommendations for stores in CT that are easy to get to and have a decent selection of not too expensive fabric?

    Thanks a ton!

    runestone at ymail dot com

    1. Yep, I'll send you an email, but I thought I'd list them again here in case anyone else stumbles upon this blog with the same question. I know how hard it was for me to find addresses until my CT friends took me around, because most aren't listed anywhere. A lot of fabric stores are along Sir Lowry Road / Victoria Road, just east of the Castle and the Good Hope Center. Fabric World, Focus Fabrics, Exciting Ladies Fabric Shop, etc. are along this stretch. There are a few others inbetween, but they aren't as good IMO or mainly carry home deco fabrics. Here was my post from my last trip:
      Also, in Observatory there is a small, fairly good selection of shwe shwe and wax cottons at Mnandi on Station Road.
      Have fun!

    2. Also, if you're heading around the mountain and pass through Mowbray, stop at the Help a Rural Child bookstore, go up to the top floor and in the back, behind the crafts and cookbooks, are boxes of sewing patterns. I'm afraid I took all the '50-'70s ones when I was there in May, but there may be more now.


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