There's a great article in the March edition of
Indwe, the South African Airlines inflight publication.
about shweshwe fabrics. You can get access to the past two years of
issues by registering with an email address, but I thought I'd post some
screenshots here for all of us to enjoy:
OK, so now I don't feel so strange about smelling and tasting the fabric, knowing that the experts do it! ;) Hope you enjoyed the tour.
I've just found your blog and I love this info about the shwe shwe fabric. I have never heard of it before. I also like you post about turning 42. What you reflect on is so true .. I've just turned 50 and boy I don't feel it and I don't act like I thought someone who is 50 does or should. I'm at uni now and doing a million things I never thought I would do. What did I read somewhere today "50 is the new 30". Woo hoo .. I'm 30 again!