Monday 25 February 2013

How to turn a dreary winter's day in Toronto into hella fun

From L to R:  Sandra, Chloe, Reethi, Tracey, Gillian and Jagoda

 1.  Invite a bunch of sewintists to go shopping and eating and drinking and swapping.

And yer done. Really, that's all you need. 

I thought I took a lot of photos, but it turns out I didn't.  Perhaps having to take off gloves and getting everyone to stand still in the cold wind were not conducive to lots of photos.  Or maybe it was just that all the talking, shopping, eating and drinking got in the way. 


Probably best if you visit everyone's blogs directly to check out their photos (I'll keep updating the links as everyone posts):

Our Hosts: Gillian @ Crafting a Rainbow    and Adrienne @ All Style & All Substance

Sarah from Pattern Vault

Kristin from K-Line

Kris from Victory Patterns

Also blogless (as far as know):  Jagoda, Catherine, Anastasia and Sandra.

I managed to come away from the meet-up with only one new piece of fabric (a beautiful batik print Egyptian cotton), one swapped piece of rayon jersey, and a few patterns.  But I am having some serious not-buyer's remorse for leaving behind that gorgeous black and white polka-dotted microfibre at LA Fabrics.  Jogoda:  did you go back and get some??


  1. Looks like so much fun!!!! I wish there was an event like this in New England. I'm a lone wolf when it comes to sewing in the non-internet world lol. I need a pack!

    1. When we have our Montreal one, you should totally come up over the border and join us! It's only a few hours away!

  2. Hi Vicki. It was so great to meet you on Saturday, and to have something in common (other than sewing!).... we both know Cape Town and UCT!! Hope you had a good trip home.

  3. I wish I could have made it out to this one. I hope another meetup will happen!

    1. I know that everyone wants to have another one when it gets warmer, so hopefully we will see you there.

  4. Fabuloso! It was so great to meet you Vicki. And, just to let you know I STILL have that song "Victoria" in my head and have been humming it ever since your Rex story, lol.

    I have also posted my pics and write up for the sewing meet-up here:


  5. I miss Toronto so much! I love that mural! I'm so glad you all had such a great time. I'd love to one day be able to attend.

    1. I'm sure that if you let Gillian know about your next visit home, she'll whip up another one ;)

  6. Vicky, it was great meeting you, I loved your stories of travels and parasites! As for the black polka dot fabric -sadly, I'm sitting on my hands. I'm looking at my stash, and I'm terrified. If I buy another piece of fabric, it will swallow my house! I'm planning to go back to that store next week, and if it's still there... well, I guess it was meant to be. Also, I have a blog now, check it out if you have time!

  7. It was an awesome day, wasn't it? I really enjoyed our chat, it left a mark. :)
